School & Home
Integrated Pest Management (IPM)
Newsletter - November 2014 |
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Rodents: Get Them Out of
Your School, House and Yard
The house mouse is one of the most troublesome and economically
important rodents in the United States. They feed on and damage food, as well
as contaminate food with droppings and urine. They cause structural damage to
buildings by building nests and gnawing. They may chew on furniture, clothing
and electrical wires. In addition, house mice can spread disease transferring
pathogens or parasites to humans and pets, including Salmonella
(salmonellosis food poisoning), ringworm, mites, tapeworm and ticks. They
generate allergens, which are asthma triggers and should not be tolerated
inside schools or homes. Effective, low hazard options are available to
eliminate these pest rodents.
How do they get inside?
Mice may
infest schools and homes year round. However, since the house mouse cannot
hibernate, they are more likely to invade structures during cold weather
months. While searching for food and shelter during times of cold
temperatures, mice are drawn to buildings - which initially offer them cover.
From there it only takes a hint of warmth or the scent of food from an access
point to invite a permanent mouse resident.
Modes of entry include open windows and doors, cracks and
any small openings around piping, air ducts, roofing, and doors. Any hole
as small as 1⁄4-inch can accommodate a young mouse, a gap the size of a dime
will allow access to an adult mouse. That means if you can stick a pencil
into a hole, a young mouse can get through!
Like many types of pests,
mice are hitchhikers and can be inadvertently brought indoors in storage
boxes (especially corrugated cardboard boxes) and wooden palettes. Arts and
crafts supplies, holiday decorations, blankets and clothes, are all commonly
stored materials that might harbor mice. They can also access building roofs
via overhanging shrubs and trees, and will climb vertical surfaces and wires
if need be.
Mice owe their success to
being highly adaptable; they base their foraging activity on when humans are
least present (allowing them to escape our awareness), they can survive on
just about any kind of food so their dietary needs adapt readily, and they
can go without water for considerable periods if necessary. This adaptability
and secretive nature often makes infestations difficult to perceive until
numbers are considerable.
Once inside, mice often establish themselves near food-storage and
food preparation areas, closets, pantries, cabinet bases, or cluttered rooms.
They will also climb wall utility lines for electrical or plumbing and nest
within suspended ceiling spaces.
Look for signs that you
may have mice
Droppings: Mouse
droppings are about the size of rice grains. Small, tapered fecal pellets are
left in areas where the mouse feeds or is harbored. Mouse urine fluoresces,
so the hundreds of micro droplets they lay down each day can be viewed using
a black light in an otherwise dark room.
Tracks: Scatter a
small patch of flour or talcum powder on the floor along the wall or in
likely places. Put a cracker or a piece of bread in the middle of your
“tracking patch”. Check for tracks the next day. Grease trails and smudge
marks may be apparent along the patrol path of their territory – around wall
skirting, entrance holes, etc.
Burrows: Check in
weedy places, under boards, under dog houses and near garbage cans or
dumpsters. House mice may burrow outside structures when they cannot gain
access or find other shelter.
Teeth marks and chewing: Any
little hole with chewed edges is a sure sign. Check your pantry for chewed
packages. Look for shredded paper. Look for teeth marks and hair.
Sound: Listen for
gnawing or scratching in walls or attics, especially at night.
Nests: They consist
of fine, shredded fibrous materials. Chewed paper or cloth (including gloves,
carpet, clothes) is often found in boxes, drawers, undisturbed bags or
containers, and even inside large equipment that is not regularly used. Nests
are frequently found when cleaning garages, closets, attics, basements, and
outbuildings where mice are present.
Smudge marks (rub marks):
Occur on beams, rafters, pipes, and walls. They form as a result of oil
and dirt rubbing off the mouse as they travel the route. The smudge marks are
full of chemical cues mice use to communicate, so it is important to clean up
the greasy marks.
A musty odor may indicate mice are present.
Exclude mice from
To reduce the threat of
rodent-borne diseases, allergens, and other health threats, prevent mice from
becoming established inside buildings by finding and sealing up potential
access points.
1. Seal
gaps of ¼-inch or more with silicone or polyurethane sealant products that
stretch, because gaps and cracks in buildings expand and contract due to
temperature changes and other factors. Steel wool, or foam fillers alone are
not recommended for larger holes and cracks beyond serving as a temporary
fix. They should be filled with good quality concrete, or stuffed with
Xcluder cloth or Stuf-fit copper mesh, then sealed.
2. Seal
around water, gas, electric, and other pipes and conduits going through
3. Make
all external doors mouse-proof using the high-quality, brush-type (e.g.
Sealeze) or baffle (e.g. Xcluder) style door sweeps that seal the gap between
the threshold and the door base.
Maintain and repair all ventilation screens, louvers used in attic spaces,
and furnace closets. All gaps around the frames of screens and louvers should
also be kept tightly sealed.
Mouse-proof the crawl space skirt around portable classrooms. To prevent
moisture damage, mold, mildew, and dry rot, the crawl space skirt should not
touch the ground. Dig a 6-inch trench below the skirt, attach 1/4-inch
hardware cloth to the bottom of the skirt so that it goes to the bottom of
the trench, then fill in the trench with dirt or crushed rock. This will also
help deny entry to other mammal pests, such as rats, raccoons, feral cats,
and skunks.
Ensure that the above pest-proofing practices are an integral part of the
planning and contracting process for building construction or renovation.
not attract mice
1. Do not allow trash
to accumulate along exterior walls, as this will attract mice. Remove old
boards and junk cars. Discourage contractors or workers from throwing food or
food containers into crawl spaces and wall voids during construction or
renovation of buildings.
Do not place trash receptacles close to exterior doorways.
Keep dumpsters clean, with lids closed (especially at night). Keep garbage in
tightly covered cans. Drainage holes can be screened.
Clean up food scraps and store foods appropriately to prevent easy access to
food. All pet foods, bird seed and human food should be stored off the floor
and in airtight containers. Adult mice can chew through zip-lock bags.
Clear tall weeds close to buildings since weeds and seeds serve as food and
shelter for mice during warm weather. Mice like to hide in such places.
Do not pile wood against buildings. Store wood and other materials at least
one foot off the ground and away from buildings.
not harbor mice
cluttered storage areas and classrooms. It is best to use transparent plastic
totes for storage. If cardboard boxes have not been opened in 2 years, the
box and contents may be contaminated with mouse urine and feces and should be
recycled or discarded.
Eliminate mice with snap
Use traps, not poison baits,
inside schools or homes. If young children or pets are around consider
placing traps inside locked box stations to avoid accidents. Snap trapping
results in the fast elimination of mice, but trapping is useless in a
cluttered environment. You have to de-clutter if you want to de-mouse. Mice
typically do not venture more than 30 feet from their nest (unless food is
Traps are very effective control devices for mice. They
take advantage of their curiosity. Mice will be trapped easily the first
night, but they can become trap-shy. On the first night, set six traps in
areas of mouse activity (droppings found), positioning each trap 3 feet apart
or closer. Remove the traps in the morning before students arrive at school
or kids emerge from bedrooms at home. Set the traps again a week later in
slightly different locations. This technique will help overcome trap-shyness.
Handle dead mice and their fecal pellets with caution (see guidance in later
Plastic snap traps (e.g., the
Kness Snap-E, J.T. Eaton JAWZ, Bell Trapper Mini Rex, Woodstream Quick Kill,
etc.) are more durable and can be cleaned with disinfectants more easily than
the disposable traps. The disposable wooden-based traps are an option when
all the traps will be collected and disposed of completely.
Traps can
be baited with small smudges of chocolate syrup or a few drops of vanilla,
orange, or any other extract oils. Despite common myths, there is no one
“favorite” bait for mice. Mice are opportunists and will sample most foods
they bump into. They forage for nesting materials as well as food, so cotton
balls, dental floss, and string may also be used as bait. We don’t recommend
peanut butter or anything with nuts in due to possibility of children with
tree nut allergies being present. Mice mainly travel along walls to floor
junctures, so place traps up against walls with the snap end facing the wall.
Set out several traps about 3
feet apart or closer, then remove them and set them up a week later in a new
Traps can be baited with a
variety of foods. There is no one “favorite” bait for mice. Place traps
against walls with the snap end facing the wall.
Use poison-free bait
(e.g. Detex Blox) to monitor building exteriors and storage sheds
Detex Blox contains no
poison and is often used by professionals to monitor for mouse activity.
Detex Blox is safe and made from 16 human food-grade ingredients, making it
ideal for monitoring rat and mouse activity without concern of harming
children, pets, or other non-target animals.
The use of poison baits (rodenticides) in schools is a
complicated issue, and is best left in the hands of the professionals. As
humans are mammals there may be more significant risks and/or liability
Precautions when handling dead rodents
1. Do not
assume a trapped mouse is dead! Approach with caution, they will bite.
2. Wear
rubber or disposable plastic gloves such as those purchased in boxes of 100
by pest management professionals and building custodians, if you are certain
you will not sustain a bit. Wear heavy-duty protective gloves if you
have to deal with a live trapped mouse.
3. Before
handling trap with a rodent in, spray the dead mouse and trap with
disinfectant (e.g. 10% bleach solution) until wet. It’s best not to reuse a
wooden mousetrap that has caught a mouse.
4. Dispose
of a dead mouse by turning a re-sealable plastic bag inside out. Then, with a
hand inside the bag, pick up the rodent and the trap. Invert the bag over
your hand and seal the bag, with the rodent and trap inside it. Wrap the bag
in newspaper and dispose in a dumpster or garbage can.
5. Spray
the area where the trap or the dead mouse was lying with a light spray of
disinfectant or 10% bleach solution and let the area dry.
6. Dispose
of the gloves in the trash, or for reusable gloves, spray the outside of the
gloves with disinfectant, then remove the gloves and wash hands with soap and
A 10% bleach solution is sufficient to destroy pathogens likely to be
present. Using stronger bleach solutions will not be any more helpful and may
damage surfaces.
Precautions when
cleaning up small amounts of rodent droppings
Do not sweep up or vacuum feces because this can cause the excrement residues
to become airborne and be inhaled.
Wear rubber or disposable plastic gloves such as those worn by pest
management professionals and building custodians.
Spray the droppings and affected area with disinfectant or 10% bleach until
Use a wet paper towel to pick up the disinfected droppings.
Place the droppings and paper towel into a re-sealable plastic bag and seal
the bag.
Place bag in a dumpster or garbage can.
Dispose of the gloves in the trash, or for reusable gloves spray the outside
of the gloves with disinfectant, then remove the gloves and wash hands with
soap and water.
Wear rubber gloves and use a disinfectant when cleaning
up mouse feces.
Product names mentioned are
registered trademarks. Any products, services, or organizations that
are mentioned, shown, or indirectly implied in this publication do not imply
endorsement by The University of Arizona.
See the videos in this three-part
series “IPM for Mice – Exclusion, Sanitation, Trapping”:
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Bed Bug Battle — We Want
to Hear From you
Anyone can get bed bugs! Bed bugs can cause anxiety, bite
reactions, and financial hardship. The University of Arizona Community
IPM Program and several partnering research institutions are working to
battle the bed bug resurgence in the United States. The researchers
hope to determine the real impact and social cost of bed bugs, the risks to
individuals and society, as well as the significant causes of infestations.
We need your help. We hope you will complete an online bed
bug survey. This survey asks brief questions on how bed bugs affect your
life, how bed bugs cause people stress, and what people do when trying to get
rid of them. This voluntary survey should take about 10 minutes of your time.
The survey is available in English and Spanish. There is no compensation
available for your participation. Your answers are anonymous and you will be
contributing to information that will help us battle the pesky parasites.
Who should take this survey? We would like to hear
from people who currently live with bed bugs, people who have dealt with them
in the past, and people lucky enough not to have experienced living with bed
bugs at all. Your answer to the first question will direct you to
questions specifically designed for you. We are dedicated to helping
community members who need it most, and sharing your experience will be
extremely helpful to develop strategies to reduce the bed bug problems.
English version of Bed Bug survey:
version of Bed Bug survey:
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Upcoming Webinars and
Attend Free Sessions of the Green
Strides Webinar Series. View archived webinars here.
The Green
Strides Webinar Series provides school communities the tools to reduce
their schools’ environmental impact and costs; improve health and wellness;
and teach effective environmental literacy, including STEM, green careers,
and civic engagement.
November 11, 2014, 7:00-8:30
p.m. Eastern / 5:00-6:30 p.m. Arizona: Eco-Schools
USA Dashboard: Goals, Metrics, Success! (NWF)
November 12, 2014, 7:30 – 12:30 p.m. Arizona: Glyphosate-Resistant
Weeds Workshop: Monitoring, Preventing, and Managing Weeds in
Glyphosate-Resistant Crops, Landscapes, Orchards and Vineyards.
The University of Arizona Maricopa County Cooperative Extension, 4341 E.
Broadway Road, Phoenix, AZ 85040.
The Glyphosate-Resistant Weeds Workshop on Wednesday
morning, November 12 at the Maricopa Cooperative Extension office will
feature University of Arizona and University of California weed scientists
and an economist to describe how to monitor, prevent, and manage resistant
weeds in crops, landscapes, and orchards. 5 CEU’s will be available for ADA
and OPM licenses. Registration deadline is Nov 10.
January 5-9, 2015, Arizona: A one-week course Desert
Turf School. The University of Arizona Maricopa County Cooperative
Extension, 4341 E. Broadway Road, Phoenix, AZ 85040.
Provide a unique learning experience about desert
turfgrass management for professional turfgrass managers. The distinctive
arid climatic conditions of southern Arizona afford an opportunity for
instruction on warm- and cool-season turfgrass management, saline and desert
soils, and specialized irrigation practices. Participants will receive a
certificate of completion for the desert turf school and may apply for GCSAA
and other professional continuing education credits.
registration online is open now. Registration forms and more information
about both events are at:
For more
information about the EPA Schools program, visit:
For more
information about the Community IPM, visit:
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For more information about
School IPM in Arizona, visit:
Shujuan (Lucy) Li, Newsletter Editor and Assistant
in Extension, Email:
Dawn H. Gouge, Public Health IPM Expert, Email:
Shaku Nair, Assistant in Extension. Email:
Al Fournier, IPM Assessment, Email:
Ursula Schuch, Landscape Horticulture, Email:
Kai Umeda, Extension Agent, Turf, Email:
Dave Kopec, Turf Specialist, Email:
Baker, Urban Entomologist, Email:
Monday, November 10, 2014
November School and Home IPM Newsletter
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