Tuesday, April 24, 2012

Pest Private Eye Video Game Now Free Online

The University of Nebraska--Lincoln Extension is pleased to announce that the full version of Pest Private Eye and the Case of IPM in Schools (Pest PI), our educational first person role playing video game, is now available free on their website at http://pested.unl.edu/pestpi. Pest PI  teaches children and the educators who work with them about pests and how to control them using Integrated Pest Management.

Also on the website you’ll find links to online versions of a Teacher's guide and comic book, a user’s survey (
http://www.zoomerang.com/Survey/WEB22FHK578845), and other resources about pests and IPM.
They have also recently developed an educator’s survey (http://www.zoomerang.com/Survey/WEB22FGFWPJQAG) to determine how the game is being used in classrooms, libraries, and other educational venues. Please pass this information along to anyone you think might be interested!