Thursday, October 20, 2011

New IPM Facebook Contest

Calling all IPM Sleuths! Enter the University of Nebraska--Lincoln Extension's newest PSEP Facebook Contest for a chance to win the grand prize...a copy of the Pest Private Eye ( game, Teacher's Guide, and Comic book for use in the classroom to teach about pests and IPM. Please pass this along to any teachers, students, or other school staff who might be interested. The contest runs through October 21st.

To Enter the Contest:
  1. Log into our Pesticide Safety Education Program Facebook page:
  2. Become a fan of our page by clicking on the "Like" button at the top.
  3. On the "Wall" you'll see a CONTEST post with a photo (similar to "Where's Waldo") that shows students in a messy classroom (direct link to photo:
  4. Write a short description (can be sentences or bullet points) about what makes this room a good place for pests to live and what can be done to make the room less inviting to pests.
  5. Post your comments and we'll announce the winner next week!

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