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“EPA’s Indoor Air Quality (IAQ) Tools for Schools guidance taught Keller ISD how to effectively implement an IAQ program in the district, resulting in a 10% improvement in test scores and a 97% average daily attendance rate.” – Dr. James R. Veitenheimer, Superintendent, Keller ISD From Left to Right: Stacy Murphy, U.S. EPA Region 6, with Henry Kaplan, former employee of Garland ISD, and Alan Smith, with Garland ISD, receiving a plaque for Garland ISD's commitment to helping plan the Region 6 training. |
Region 6’s Healthy School Environments Across Texas Training Highlights On April 23 and 24, 2012, over 26 independent school districts throughout the region came together in Garland, Texas, for the two-day Healthy School Environments Across Texas training. Throughout the conference, EPA’s IAQ Tools for Schools Framework and Action Kit were prominently featured as the leading resource for improving indoor environments in schools. Attendees left the training with a deeper collective understanding of what makes a green and healthy school, and were empowered to improve learning environments in their school. Online Resources and Speaker Presentations Were you unable to attend the training but would still like to access the information provided by the speakers? Visit the Council of Facility Planners International’s (CEFPI’s) Healthy School Environments Across Texas Web page to access all of the presentations from the training. Other resources discussed during the training are available on the IAQ Tools for Schools Web page. You can also check out the online video of the virtual school walkthrough from the Northwest Clean Air Agency that explains helpful tips for completing a walkthrough with you IAQ team! Connect with the National IAQ Tools for Schools Network The Healthy School Environments Across Texas training is a powerful example of how the National IAQ Tools for Schools Network contributes to the rapid spread of best practices and shared resources in school districts regionally and nationwide. Did your school or district host an IAQ training where action steps or other meaningful outcomes were generated? Do you have a question specific to school environmental health or want to showcase an inspiring story? Let us know – become a member of the Schools IAQ Connector Email Discussion List. Join today by sending a blank email message to schools_iaq_connector-subscribe@lists.epa.gov. Then check your email inbox for your confirmation and membership details.
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Questions? If you have any questions about the IAQ Tools for Schools guidance, please contact the IAQ Tools for Schools Connector Coordinator at IAQTfSConnector@cadmusgroup.com. The IAQ Tools for Schools guidance is a comprehensive resource designed to help schools maintain a healthy environment in school buildings by identifying, correcting and preventing IAQ problems. Learn more about the IAQ Tools for Schools guidance at http://www.epa.gov/iaq/schools. |
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