Monday, October 31, 2011
Extension School Integrated Pest Management: Tool Box
National and State School IPM Programs in the U.S.
Click the above link to find national school IPM information as well as find out what School IPM programs are running in your state. Some of the websites you might find particularly useful are the school IPM sites that are put up by the Environmental Protection Agency, IPM Technical Resource Center, The IPM Institute of North America, The National School IPM Information Source (University of Florida) and the Southwest Technical Resource Center (Texas A&M University).
School IPM Newsletters and Pest Presses
All of these pages link outside of and are excellent resources to consider as part of your school IPM program. Be aware of the fact that the topics covered in these newsletters may be area specific. For example, if your schools are located in the northeast, Arizona's publication on scorpions will not apply to you.
Forms for Professionals
These forms have been created, modified and used across the United States. In some cases there are variations of the same form. Our goal in providing these resources is that you will modify them to suit the needs of your school IPM program.
Pest Vulnerable Areas Within Schools
There may be more to a school than meets the eye. When the lights go out at the end of the day, two, four, six, and eight legged invaders may abound. Researchers at many locations are working with public schools to apply an integrated approach to pest management in the school environment. With an integrated approach, pest managers may reduce pest problems while reducing pesticide applications…
School IPM Personnel Communication
Communication is the key to beginning and maintaining an IPM program. The success of IPM depends on cooperation of many individuals. Pest management is not the sole responsibility of the pest manager. Proper maintenance, housekeeping and sanitation of buildings are important for successful long-term management…
School Integrated Pest Management: Content for Parents
Parents across the U.S. are asking this question: "As a parent, how do I get Integrated Pest Management implemented (IPM) in my child's school?" Often parents can provide the most influential voice on issues regarding school policies. Getting Integrated Pest Management (IPM) into your child's school or even the entire district can begin at the grass roots level by organizing concerned parents. If your school or school district is not currently using IPM, the following five-step process can help you initiate IPM. Full Article.
Wednesday, October 26, 2011
ATSDR Fall Webinar Series - Effective Policies to Eliminate Chemical Releases and Exposures in Schools (1st Webinar - Oct 13)
Fall Webinar Series – Effective Policies to Eliminate Chemical Releases and Exposures in Schools
To promote a national framework for the prevention of chemical incidents in schools, the ATSDR National Toxic Substance Incidents Program (NTSIP) has teamed up with Interstate Chemical Threats Workgroup (ICTW) to bring you this exciting fall webinar series. During the sessions we’ll explore policies and prevention efforts for three chemicals/chemical categories that lead the NTSIP incident list: elemental mercury, cleaning products, and pesticides. At the conclusion of the webinar series, the summary notes will guide the development of a white paper entitled, Best Practices and Policies for Eliminating Chemical Releases and Exposures in Schools. This paper will be distributed nationally and will serve as a basis of ATSDR’s outreach to those who can effect change.
Save the dates:
Effective Policies to Eliminate Chemical Releases and Exposures in Schools
All sessions will begin at 12:30pm EST/9:30am PST and run for 75 minutes.
- Mercury exposures and effective policies October 13th
- Green cleaning policies to eliminate exposures November 10th
- Pesticide exposures and effective policies December 15th
- Discussion on white paper development: “Best Practices and Policies for Eliminating Chemical Releases and Exposures in Schools”. January 12th
Session 1:
Effective Policies to Eliminate Mercury Exposures in Schools
October 13, 12:30- 1:45 Eastern
Elemental mercury is most toxic in its vapor form. It evaporates slowly at room temperature and more quickly when heated. Children are drawn to mercury by its silvery color and novel properties. Children playing with elemental mercury can be poisoned by breathing the vapor from mercury beads held in their hands or from mercury spilled on carpeting, furniture or other surfaces. The HSEES and NTSIP data have shown mercury to be the most frequently released substance in schools and very costly to clean up. This session will focus on the extent of the problem of mercury releases in schools and experiences with legislation and outreach to remove mercury from schools.
Roundtable Discussants:
- Robin Lee, PhD, MPH, ATSDR Division of Health Studies
- Martha Stanbury, MSPH, Michigan Department of Community Health
- Wanda Lizak Welles, PhD, New York State Department of Health
- Sue Casteel, BS, MS, ATSDR Regional Representative
Meeting Password: mercury; Meeting number: 572 153 685
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Note: This meeting will be recorded
Thursday, October 20, 2011
October School IPM 2015 eNewsletter
The October School IPM 2015 eNewsletter features the following articles: Building Out Pests, New School IPM Business Case and Asthma Documents Spread the Word about IPM Benefits and Three New Texas School Districts Become IPM STAR Certified.
If you have not done so already, please consider signing up for the monthly School IPM 2015 newsletter mailing list to:
- Learn how you can reduce pesticide use and pest complaints by more than 70%!
- Create a successful IPM program with no long-term increase in pest management costs.
- Learn strategies for managing pests all year:
- Fall – stinging insects
- Spring – ants
- New pests – bed bugs
- Improve your ability to educate and gain cooperation from key staff including maintenance, custodial and food service.
University of Minnesota Announces Bed Bug Resource Center and State Bed Bug Hotline
New IPM Facebook Contest
To Enter the Contest:
- Log into our Pesticide Safety Education Program Facebook page:
- Become a fan of our page by clicking on the "Like" button at the top.
- On the "Wall" you'll see a CONTEST post with a photo (similar to "Where's Waldo") that shows students in a messy classroom (direct link to photo:
- Write a short description (can be sentences or bullet points) about what makes this room a good place for pests to live and what can be done to make the room less inviting to pests.
- Post your comments and we'll announce the winner next week!
Law protects students from pesticides at school
Wednesday, October 12, 2011
EPA Commits $1.5 Million to 125 Communities to Support Smart Growth
WASHINGTON – The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) announced plans today to help an estimated 125 local, state, and tribal governments create more housing choices, make transportation more efficient and reliable and support vibrant and healthy neighborhoods that attract businesses. The move comes in response to the high demand for tools to foster environmentally and economically sustainable development coming from various communities around the nation.
"EPA is working to support communities in their efforts to protect health and the environment, and create more sustainable housing and transportation choices that are the foundation for a strong economy," said EPA Administrator Lisa P. Jackson. "EPA experts will work side by side with urban, suburban, and rural communities, and help them develop the necessary tools for fostering healthier environments for families and children, and attractive places for growing businesses."
EPA’s commitment of more than $1.5 million will come through two separate programs – the Smart Growth Implementation Assistance program (SGIA) and the Building Blocks for Sustainable Communities program. Both programs will be accepting letters from interested communities from Sept. 28 to Oct. 28, 2011.
The SGIA program, which EPA has offered since 2005, employs contractor assistance to focus on complex and cutting-edge issues in sustainable development. The assistance allows communities to explore innovative ideas to overcome barriers that have prevented them from getting the kind of development they want. Potential topics include helping communities figure out how to develop in ways that make them more resilient to natural hazards, increase economic growth, and use locally generated energy. The Agency anticipates selecting three to four communities for assistance with the goal of creating models that can help other communities.
The Building Blocks program provides targeted technical assistance to communities that face common development problems. It employs a variety of tools such as improving pedestrian access and safety, zoning code reviews, and housing and transportation evaluations. Assistance will be provided in two ways in the coming year. First, EPA will select up to 50 communities and provide direct assistance by EPA staff and private sector experts. Second, EPA has awarded cooperative agreements to four non-government organizations with sustainable community expertise to deliver technical assistance. The organizations include the Cascade Land Conservancy, Global Green USA, Project for Public Spaces, and Smart Growth America.
The Building Blocks and the SGIA programs assist in the work of the Partnership for Sustainable Communities, the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development, and the U.S. Department of Transportation. These agencies share a common goal of coordinating federal investments in infrastructure, facilities, and services to get better results for communities and use taxpayer money more efficiently.
More information on the Partnership for Sustainable Communities:
More information on the Building Blocks program and the request for letters of interest:
More information on the SGIA program and the request for letters of interest:
Access Spanish IAQ Management Resources Online
October is Hispanic Heritage Month. Take action to communicate your school’s IAQ management plan with your community. According to the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Disease, nearly 2 million Hispanics across America have asthma. EPA offers many resources in Spanish to help promote healthy indoor school environments, including information on asthma management. Encourage Spanish-speaking students and staff at your school to visit EPA’s Spanish indoor air quality website to learn more about the importance of IAQ management.
Spanish Resources
· IAQ Tools for Schools Checklists: These checklists can be used by facilities and maintenance staff, food services staff, and others during school walkthrough assessments. Checklists may be downloaded in PDF formats or MS Word formats, which can be tailored for individual schools. The following checklists are available in Spanish:
- Building and Grounds Maintenance.
- Food Service.
- Integrated Pest Management (IPM).
- Waste Management.
· Asthma Fact Sheet: The Asthma Fact Sheet highlights the most up-to-date asthma statistics that can be used to educate school community members and promote asthma outreach.
· Dusty The Asthma Goldfish and His Asthma Triggers Funbook: This funbook is filled with activities for children such as connect-the-dots and coloring. These activities help children learn about asthma triggers and how to avoid them.
· Help Your Child Gain Control Over Asthma: This brochure offers tips on how to manage asthma and simple steps to minimize exposure to asthma triggers found indoors and out.
Media Campaigns
Interested in sharing IAQ management messages that focus on asthma and radon with your school community? Visit EPA’s Indoor Environments Media Campaigns website to access public service announcements in both English and Spanish for radio, television and print.
Friday, October 7, 2011
Collaborations and Partnership Webinar: Asthma Pilot Project for Head Start October 24th, 2011, from 1:00-2:30pm EST
Join the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, U.S. Environmental Protection Agency and the Georgia Department of Public Health to learn about their partnership and collaborative effort to conduct outreach and deliver environmental health risk reduction messages related to environmental asthma triggers in Head Start and Child Care settings.
Through the Care for Their Air: Asthma Pilot Project, a partnership was formed to develop outreach strategies that would increase awareness and educate staff and families about environmental health risk factors to young children and to facilitate access to resources that could be integrated easily into ongoing Head Start and Child Care program activities. By providing staff and families with information about comprehensive asthma environmental management practices and secondhand smoke prevention, children will be less at risk and live in healthier environments.
Participants of this webinar will:
- Learn about the methods to create partnerships with federal, state and local agencies and how to increase capacity to serve Head Start and Child Care communities.
- Discover how to adapt the training module used in the pilot project and integrate asthma education into Head Start and Child Care program activities for staff, parents and children.
- Find out about the measures used to evaluate the pilot activities and training.
Expanding the School Siting Conversation: A Webinar Series
To encourage healthy, sustainable schools and communities, the Council for Educational Facility Planners International (CEFPI), the National Center for Safe Routes to School, the National Trust for Historic Preservation, the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation Center to Prevent Childhood Obesity, and EPA are offering a series of educational webinars, including a live chat with experts. The first-ever federal school siting guidelines will be featured throughout the series.
Who Should Join? Local education agencies, tribes, legislators, state agencies (health, transportation, education, environment, and historic preservation), and others interested in policies and practices that lead to healthier citizens and sustainable communities across the United States.
Save the dates:
October 11 | 1:00pm eastern/10:00am pacific | Location, Location, Location: New Guidance for Locating Schools in a Healthy, Sustainable Way |
October 18 | 2:00pm eastern/11:00am pacific | |
October 25 | 2:00pm eastern/11:00am pacific | School Siting – Advancing Environmental Justice and Preservation Through School Siting |
November 1 | 2:00pm eastern/11:00am pacific |
All sessions run for 1 hour. For more information and to register, please visit: